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Handloom Cluster Development Programme
About HCDP
The Handloom Cluster Development Programme (HCDP) is a livelihood and income
generation programme for disadvantaged women in North East India initiated by North East Development Foundation. The objective is to encourage and promote handloom entrepreneurs with support of basic and advanced handloom skills and facilitate better income generation and empower handloom clusters. The focus is on design skills, and strengthening the supply chain through online and offline marketing.
Objectives of HCDP
- To promote handloom as a profession for livelihood and employability among women and youth in area of their skills

- To promote handloom entrepreneurs with skills and linkages
- To strengthen and promote networking and market linkages for handloom produce of entrepreneurs
- To develop skills and capacities in design and development
- To develop handloom clusters with multiple interventions.
Components of HCDP
HCDP has five key components:
- Training in handloom skills including computerized design skills
- Value addition to existing skills in design pattern and texture
- Human resource training in livelihood basics
- Product- market linkages
- Stakeholder linkages with banks, training institutes
Programme Implementation
HCDP programme implementation follows six key steps:
- Selection of target beneficiaries
- Two stages of training- primary and advanced level
- Delivery of two rounds of raw materials and stipend
- Exposure visits of beneficiaries
- Market exploration and linkages
- Sustaining of the cluster group through an integrated product and economic approach
HCDP on Ground
Currently HCDP is running in Kamrup District of Assam – in Village Satgaon Noapara and Sonapur. As of now the project is touching 231 women in 2 cluster groups. The children and the family at large are extended beneficiaries and stakeholders. The Noapara HCDP is serving 129 village women in SHG Mode in developing economic and livelihood capacity building through handloom weaving. The project in charge has already imparted two rounds of training and hand handholding to these women. Handlooms have been provided to these women. The Sonapur HCDP is working with 102 weavers cluster.
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Apartment, Farm Gate, Sixmile, Khanapara,
Guwahati- 781022
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